A mix collection of inspirational stories gathered from the internet and personal experiences.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I read a story once about a man named Alfred.

He was a Swedish chemist who made quite a fortune from his work of licensing weapons of mass destruction. One day, his brother died. A newspaper editor thought that the one who died was Alfred. The next day, Alfred sat at breakfast stunned while reading his own obituary. It indicated his name and a short description of him --- "a man who licensed weapons of mass destruction". Alfred thought to himself, "If I die today, this is how I will be remembered..."

On that day, Alfred came to a decision. He resigned from his job, and used his fortune to put up a foundation which worked for global peace. Today, this foundation awards people who work for peace. This foundation is known today as the Nobel Peace Prize. Such was the lasting legacy of Alfred Nobel.

Alfred Nobel decided to rewrite his story in order to determine how his story would end. The good news is this: Just like Alfred, we all have the power to rewrite our stories in order to determine how it would end.

And the Lenten Season is one of the best times to do just that.

Just because you were born in a broken family doesn't mean you should live a broken life. Rewrite your story now.

Just because you failed that board exam doesn't mean you're a failure. Rewrite your story now.

Just because you committed that big sin doesn't mean your soul is forever damned. There is still time. Rewrite your story now.

Just because you made some fatal mistakes doesn't mean you are sentenced to a lifetime of regrets. Rewrite your story now.

Jeremiah 29:11 says: "'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm and to give you a future full of hope'..."

Claim this promise in this season of new beginnings.

Rewrite your story now!

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