A mix collection of inspirational stories gathered from the internet and personal experiences.

Friday, March 2, 2012

A Message from one American to Another

By Carl Morris

Out of adversities come greatness; out of necessities come innovations. We must live by these words to overcome the problems facing our country and us. Neither our government nor our employers can change the problems before us only ourselves, only as an America united.
In the image of our forefathers, we must work together, to renew the purpose of our nation and insure the dreams for our future will become a reality. It is imperative to preserve our heritage, understand our roots and defend our freedom. United by a common cause our country became the envy of the world. We must once again unite as Americans.

We as Americans must provide the vision of the American way, the way of freedom, integrity, innovation, leadership, friendship and dreams for every American. We must believe in our country, our creator and ourselves and have the faith that even in the face of adversity our efforts can and will make a difference. FDR stated, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself." We cannot become stifled by fear, stress, uncertainty or divisiveness. But choose freedom over fear.

The vision that we must share is about freedom, innovation, teamwork and opportunities for our future It's about an American way the only way to realize our dreams, share our vision and insure our futures. The dream everyone in, or coming to America shared was not a dream of one religion, race or gender but an American dream. A dream of freedom, spiritually, ideologically and economically. Martin Luther King exclaimed, "I have a dream"; John F. Kennedy said, "it's not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".

As Americans, I repeat as Americans, we must embrace those visions and act upon them, not just for our individual benefit, but for the benefit of all. We were not granted freedom to abuse one another, condemn one another, and ignore one another. We were granted freedom to become more than the sum of all of us combined. Freedom to improve upon, not destroy what has been done.

To do this means a shared vision that works for everyone not just a select few equal opportunity for all the desire to dream for all. Without our dreams, without our visions, without our freedom and without "In God We Trust", we as Americans will indeed fail. The United States of America: "United we stand, United we shall prevail".

With Hope and Conviction,
An American citizen
Carl Morris resides in upstate New York with his wife of 32 years. They have two grown children and a grandchild. Carl works in the corporate world but has written and published a variety of poems on America and Values. Carl believes this is one of the most critical times in our countries history and how every American responds will determine our destiny. Carl can be reached at carl.morris@verizon.net

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