A mix collection of inspirational stories gathered from the internet and personal experiences.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tips to Help You Make This Your Best Year Ever - Part 3

By Ruben Gonzales 
  1. Focus on your goals, not on your obstacles.
  2. You will only see it when you believe it.
  3. Don't let other people's opinion of you become your reality.
  4. When the why is big enough, the how will take care of itself.
  5. If you are not excited about your dream, don't expect others to get excited about your dream.
  6. Don't listen to the naysayers in your life. "Impossible" is just the opinion of somebody who does not believe as much as you do.
  7. When somebody laughs or makes fun of you, that person should stop having any influence in your life. They are holding you back from your purpose in life.
  8. Whenever somebody compliments you, they have just seen a glimpse of your greatness. The compliments you get over and over are a clue to where your gifts lie. When you use your God-given gifts to realize your dream, you make the world a better place.
  9. Associate with big thinkers. Big people don't laugh at big ideas.
  10. Success is all about guts and vision. Knowing what you want, and having the guts to go after it.
  11. As long as you don't quit, you've still got a chance.
  12. You'll either pay the price of success or the price of regret. The price of success weighs ounces. The price of regret weighs tons. It's your choice.
  13. Set high goals for yourself. If you're not headed anywhere in life, you're headed nowhere.
  14. Wanting to win is not enough. You have to be willing to prepare to win.
  15. Take more chances. You'll never know what you were missing in life until you dare to pursue your dream.
  16. Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. To get better results you must constantly adjust your approach.
  17. Fortune favors the brave. Boldness has magic in it. Don't play it safe. Start taking more chances.
  18. Winners have the courage to get started and the courage to endure.
  19. Do the things you fear or else fear will control your life.
  20. Commitment creates opportunity. Stop talking and start doing. Think less and act more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great list. Thank you.